What really hit me when listening to Keith was his passion for public participation following the core values of IAP2. He makes a difference in the world by improving our democracy. Our democracy is based on a the idea of a majority. A 50% majority is good but imagine you had a co-created law proposal for the prime minister that bases on a super majority of 80%.
As a visual facilitator, as the word says, we make things visible. We listen to statements, quotes and ideas, but we also look for hidden things, like emotional positive reactions or conflicts. We are able to raise awareness around that in a neutral way.
This episode is about Christiane’s journey from discovering the bikablo® drawing technique. We look at how she started small by showing the value of visual facilitation to AGL before it took off and inspired others through the whole organisation.
Today I speak to David Landry. He works as a principal consultant at Elabor8 and he has facilitated an agile transition with his college, Andrew Thorpe, at a Melbourne University using the bikablo® drawing technique.
I uploaded the graphic recordings of the Spark the Change conference in Melbourne. It was a wonderful day where we learnt a lot. Those thirteen graphic recordings are a combined effort of Donna McGrath, Christiane Anderson and me over the full day of the conference. Each letter is one fabulous talk by a stunning speaker. It was a pleasure to record those talks.
In the Visual Friends Radio Insights, I would like to share with you some experiences I have in my daily life working as an agile coach and visual facilitator. My name is Marcel van Hove and I hope you enjoy this episode called “The whiteboard dance”.
In this episode Nicole Brand shares her story how she became a visual leader: I had the fortune to work with Nicole Brand for the last 18 month on a daily bases. I saw her progressing from not feeling confident enough to participate in meetings to the point where people follow Nicole’s lead into any meeting room and come along on her visual journeys. I have never seen a steeper learning curve in terms of visual leadership than Nicoles before – I hope the podcast inspires you as much as Nicole inspired me!
We look into different cultures and how other cultures use visuals in different ways. Over the last 12 years, we have just started to learn about visual thinking and there is much more to explore.
Last year we ran a 2-day class in the bikablo® visual facilitation training in Melbourne. While I created the photo documentation for participants, I thought why not exporting a slideshow for everyone to share.